Why Mehta Garg & Dhanuka

"As swimming cannot be learnt just by reading a book on how to swim, one has to practically jump into the waters to learn swimming, likewise just writing examinations will fail you in the application of theory in practice unless you have done the application practically." Theoretical knowledge or practical knowledge alone cannot make you a perfect professional. Both theoretical and practical should go hand in hand to acquire the qualities and intellectual skills of a professional.

We at Mehta Garg and Dhanuka focuses on the application of theoretical concepts into the practical world. Over the years, we have developed systems and processes that encourage students to explore their full potential with guidance and support from their seniors and partners. We support and encourage Articles to systematically learn and apply in house methodologies in the field of Audit, Taxation, Finance and other allied fields. The firm prides in maintaining a work life balance and a professional but friendly environment where merit is recognised and rewarded at annual events.

Articleship Vacancies Location
5 positions Indore

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